"Ever since Yang Liping won first prize in a national dance competition in 1986, she has been delighting Chinese audiences with her signature dance, Spirit of the Peacock
Country of Daughters...pic FAILED
The stage..
DYNAMIC YUNNAN!!....you guys have to find out a way to get them to tour Canada and then go watch it...get the most expensive tickets too!..Their last world tour was in 2006 but I can't find info on another tour. They came to Taiwan to help kick off the DEAFOLYMPICS...THe Blue Man Group was in Taipei last week...anyway, the show was OMG... I am speechless about the show...SPEECHLESSsss..and filled with permanent goosebumps! You're gonna have to carve these goosebumps off!! And watching 'Country of Daughters' live was soo fun! It was like seeing MCCCA on stage but not really...hahahaha not comparable at all...The costumes, the sound, the color...wowie
I sat at the cheapest seats in the house but it was really good for me cuz I was really close to the stage but on the side! My parents bought tix for 8$ more but they sat further away but center..they enjoyed it alot..MY dad tried to do the peacock dance afterwards...
I did try to take pics and was so tempted to take videos however, they wouldn't allow it during the show...Also. I sneaked into an autograph signing session for the VIP seats so that I can get a peak of Yang Li Ping in person...but because security was so tight and wouldn't let me get close enough, someone took pics of her for me!
Yang Li Ping...wow..her arms are like jello..and her moonlight dance..i just watched the video on youtube but nothing compares to seeing her move in person...she's so skinny too!
Yang Li Ping! She's around 5o years old now but still moves like she's 20...18..16...15!
Some of the male dancers were outside taking a smoke and let me squeeze between them to take a pic..Hanyue, i know you would have loved the way these guys danced..remember those New Zealander dancers..these guys were like that but 10X better..AUTHENTIC YUNNAN MEAT..!! rarr
ummm..I'm a peacock!