Saturday, September 5, 2009

I got a's gonna be a good day~

My last day before China departure was very eat sing and see bands play and dancers dance and then eat some more!
Thanks Nancy & Jen for blunch!

After blunch, we went to Holiday and booked the smallest KTV room I have ever been in!

Video of Nancy swaying her butt and making my day!

After 1 hr of KTV, I finally arrived at the Breeze Center for ICRT's Battle of the Bands but two hours late (Tis was a two hours event). But it ran late, so I still got to see the last band play and winners announced.

Yogurt Art with Danny! Yogurt by weight. ..pick any flavor of yogurt and then choose from a buffet of garnish to please your taste bud!

My art: I took three flavors of yogurt (Berries, Macadamia white chocolate and plain), garnished with chocolate and colored sprinkles, fresh blueberries and oreo crumbs..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I heart Wal-Mart

Normally, when you see something ugly, you don't buy it..but for Q, she felt the need to buy it and ship it half way across the world... Just for doing that, I shall wear it!
"Mirror Mirror On the Wall, who is the fairest of them all..."

"Friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they are always there"