When I found it..I thought..oh shit. Chou Mama's going to be so pissed because since I was born, she has told me to check my pockets before putting stuff in the washing machines. I rarely do.
I've left many things...things that survive like money and coins..and things that don't survive like ipods (isad). This time, I left my magnetic card which opens doors to our condominium buildings, in the washer AND dryer! Tumble trouble.
So I went downstairs to inquiry about a replacement card. The security agent decides to check my crippled card although I made fun of him because I was so sure it was finished...and to my amazement..it still works!
It won't fit nicely in my wallet anymore but I can't wait to show mum and tell her that I didn't have to waste 200 nt after all to get a new card.
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