Friday, July 10, 2009

Keiko, my pet beta fish, passed away this evening..

Place/date of birth: Thailand? in....time of death: Today, unknown time. Bad habits: When he is hungry, he likes to jump out of the water when I get near the bowl and place a finger above the water.

I didn't realize I have no pic of Keiko..or I can't find the one I took a while back!
So this is a pic I found with Keiko in it. It has not been in my room for awhile. I had placed him in the living room..where it died.

I woke up today and I saw him swimming in his bowl like usual. All is good. I fed Keiko at around 12-1 pm.
My parents came home around 5-6. Dad usually plays with Keiko (placing finger above bowl and see Keiko jump) and today, when he went to see him, he asked me, where the fish was. I'm like...What do you mean where is the fish? the fish is there. ..He's like no. I said..What do you mean no?? I take a look at the bowl..Keiko was gone..and mom takes a look too...GONE! So I know I didn't eat it so I was sure it jumped out but we didn't see him near the bowl or any signs of water if the fish had jumped out. We're looking around the table and finally my mom points to the floor, on the other side of the table..THERE IT IS!!

My dad picks him's all dry, dusty and...dead.

I examine the crime scene..i see marks on the table all across ..from the bowl..half way across the table and onto the floor.

Keiko committed suicide..



  1. OHHHHHHHH ~ it's like those cartoon fish that come out of their bowl .. but Keiko forgot that he was a fish. He looked like such a good fish, a dog fish. awwww.. RIP Keiko #500.
    When are you getting Keiko #501?
